3 thoughts on “Ten minute drawing. Michael Madigan doesn’t want you to know.

  1. We can beat the machine, but we need to get the thousands of our retired colleagues who sat on their hands and did not bother to vote. It is a shame that they didn’t because with that vote alone we could have put down Rauner.

    It really felt strange going to the polling place asking for a Republican primary ballot. in all my years voting i have never voted Republican. Fortunately, there were only a few people present to witness that historic event. It took everything in me to check Dillard and not write in Voldermort for Governor.

    The Tribune political cartoonist on WGN did a great cartoon of Rauner holding the tally sheet for the election with the caption, “I thought I paid for a landslide.” If the downstate vote hadn’t been split, Dillard would have prevailed. That feels strange even referencing that since I have little use for Dillard.

    Now comes the next major decision, to Quinn or not to Quinn. I had to gag at times listening to Quinn’s victory speech in terms of his concerns for police, firefighters, teachers, union laborers, etc. This is the same thieving, SOB, who is stealing the well deserved pensions for those fore-mentioned groups.

    It was great to see a victory for Guzzardi over Barrios.

    Keep on blogging. We need your voice!

    1. I can’t stand listening to Quinn either……………………BUT, Rauner MUST be stopped!!!!!!! I also voted for Dillard. I use to consider myself an Eisenhower Republican!! Sadly they do not exist anymore! Even Ike’s late son, General John Eisenhower said in 2000, it was no longer his father’s Republican party!!

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