5 thoughts on “Ten minute drawing. Top chef.

  1. I often wonder what would happen if all at once if are so-called leaders could lie no more and had become ethical in all their dealings. I wonder if I need to no longer worry about my 5 year twins we had later in life if my dream of a better world occur. I often wake up in the middle of the night and ask why?

  2. Why is no one asking why there are so few jobs in crime plagued neighborhoods. Desperate young men with no future and no hope of getting one lash out in self destructive rage. Why should we be surprised?

    I listened to Rahm Emmanuel going on the other day.He talked about how despicable the shooters were. Didn’t he and his predecessors have any role in this? How can he expect that will be no consequences?

    1. Excellent response, Walter!

      I have heard this same argument used as to how these young Jihadists come about in the Middle East… lack of knowledge, lack of skills, lack of opportunity to apply either.

      One news reporter once lamented they know the Koran backward and forward and hatred for the Western World and that is about all they know.

      1. Lack of knowledge, skills and opportunity along with rote knowledge of scripture is not the sole domain of one kind of religious fundamentalism.

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