What is Madigan up to? Discuss.


When I asked somebody with more experience in the weird inner workings of Springfield about today’s four votes on pension bills, his answer was, “I guess we’ll see.”

Illinois Democratic Party Boss Michael Madigan threw everything at the wall today to see what would stick.

Nothing did.

A House bill that would raise the retirement age of public employees to 67 got one vote. The Speaker’s.

A House bill that would raise employee contributions to 5% got 3 votes. Nekritz, Jefferson and The Speaker.

A House bill that would eliminate all COLAs got five votes. Hurley, Jefferson, Nekritz, Zalewski and The Speaker.

Most Republicans did not vote.

What is Madigan up to?

What do you think?



8 thoughts on “What is Madigan up to? Discuss.

  1. A theory , Madigan put the trash out today and it really stunk the Capitol up. Now when that other garbage from Nekritz and Biss and Cullerton hits the wall he is hoping it may not stink as bad. The only problem is all the people who have the real skin in the game are on to The Garbage Man ( Madigan ) we know he can’t and won’t be trusted.

  2. Hurley. That would be the just elected Fran Hurley of the 35th District who told me just three weeks ago that she couldn’t answer any of my questions about her position on pensions because she was completely uneducated on the issue.

  3. Reality: I think everyone is giving Madigan too much credit for his past accomplishments. He has no magic potions or voodoo. He is no more than an old man that has come to the end of his road……(like me). He has painted himself into a corner.

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