More great thoughts from the warped mind of Dr. Dathan Paterno, Park Ridge school board member.


More Tweets from Dr. Dathan Paterno, clinical psychologist and newly elected member of the Park Ridge District 64 board of education.

Beck could discover that Obama was helping plan a terrorist attack to destroy America & the Left would STILL adore him.

Wouldn’t ANY man buying a pressure cooker be odd/rare? Even more so a young man…

Barack Hussein Obama is an evil force trying to destroy our country.

No serious scholar or scientist denies the existence of Jesus.

Nix DOMA & polygamy would be the next “right” on the slippery slope. How could govt DARE 2 limit love to just 1 partner?

Teachers who don’t understand that boys make EVERYTHING into guns/missiles/bombs/grenades…

Liberal tactic: force kids into public school by making the economy weak enough that both parents MUST work full-time.


17 thoughts on “More great thoughts from the warped mind of Dr. Dathan Paterno, Park Ridge school board member.

  1. Is this Dr. Paterno an actual, practicing psychologist? If he is, that is really frightening. He demonstrates the classic patterns of several psychiatric disorders–for example: 297.1 Delusional Disorder, Grandiose Type: “delusions of inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity…” ; and personality disorder known as Paranoid Personality Disorder 301.0 “a pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent- reads hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into benign remarks or events, and persistently bears grudges, i.e. is unforgiving of insults, injuries, or slights.” And most importantly, Narcissistic Personality Disorder 301.81, with “a pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy.” (All quotes are from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Edition.)

  2. I love how because he doesn’t share your far left tendencies, he is automatically a psycho unworthy of sitting on the board. If making some bold claims online makes you a psycho, then I’d wager to say you are all right there with him. But we all know that isn’t the case huh?

    1. Right, because he was totally asked to leave when he tweeted the above comments and not the overtly misogynistic statements during the Women’s March. Oh wait, those are all old tweets and he just resigned.

    2. He doesn’t even share the center or right of center views of 99% of Americans. This guy is an extreme far-right whacko, who’s impulsive anger-filled Tweets just forced him to resign. Good riddance, that’s not the kind of “thinking’ that should be trying to direct the education of children.

    3. Seriously, would you let this man counsel your daughter? Free speech is everybody’s right, but we also get to use that same free speech to respond to you.

  3. Here is what this man says on his Twitter page …. and he is a clinical psychologist? D64 School Board member? Wow.
    1/22/2017: “Most of these vagina screechers didn’t vote, but they mean business. Riiiiiiight. What a farce.” ; 1/19/2017: ” Alas, the 300 Million Pound Women March provides a strong argument for doing away with women’s suffrage.” ; 1/19/2017: “How does this constant talking leave this woman enough oxygen for her br…Oh. Never mind.” ; 1/19/2017: “Procession of Palpable Penis Envy #RenameMillionWomenMarch” ; “Hysterical Horde of Halfwits #RenameMillionWomenMarch”

  4. We’ve lived in Park Ridge for over 20 years. My son and I went to Saturday’s march and saw only positive people embracing family issues under Obama that should not be erased by Trump. Didn’t find anyone who was a “vagina screecher”.

  5. This is a psychologist? Sorry for his patients, I’m sure he talks like that about them after their sessions. I hope this guy loses his job, too!

    1. And he is on staff at Lutheran General Hospital….. and he counsels mentally ill adolescents and adults. And I do believe he just opened his own “can of worms”.

  6. I accept that there are views different from my own; that is not the issue. The issue is the way that a supposedly intelligent, educated “gentleman” chooses to express himself. Free speech is not hate speech. But if one’s heroes are Bannon, Breitbart, Spencer, et al, I can see the devolution of public discourse. Furthermore, this man’s chosen profession is one that presupposes understanding, compassion, and respect for the individual. He has violated public trust and his own professional code of ethics. He is a disgrace to the profession.

  7. From a former PR resident and parent whose child was seen by Dathan Paterno–

    It is worth noting that Dr. Paterno uses his professional credentials in his Twitter handle. This cannot be a mistake. He wants you to sit upright and take seriously what he has to say. Instead…one has to wonder about the intelligence of a man who counsels young adults and yet puts himself squarely in the hot seat with an inappropriate, impulsive tweet.

    He and you-know-who can’t seem to get enough of the bully pulpit that is Twitter.

    “I love women, I’ve got three of my own” :-/

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