Madigan shows that he is an empty suit.

Illinois Legislature

His Senate Bill 1 failed in the Senate.

No Senate Bill 2404.

There will be no underfunding of City pensions although he tried to push that through.

He had threatened a cost shift to local school districts. All he could come up with was a limited pension cost shift to the state universities. It was a deal that was agreed to by the state universities weeks ago.

As in the past, there was no serious  attempt by the Speaker to address a graduated income tax to increase revenue.

He supported the marriage equality bill.  But Madigan could not provide  enough of his own Democratic Party votes to pass it.

The General Assembly adjourned this evening until October.


An empty suit.

Just a little man behind the curtain.

3 thoughts on “Madigan shows that he is an empty suit.

  1. Watch the interview with Madigan on Illinois Lawmakers that airs on local PBS channels throughout the state. Does he not understand that most of us CANNOT qualify for social security? I believe this can be accessed and viewed at later this week. There are other programs posted from earlier this month on the pension issue. Sent from my iPad

  2. Dear Fred,

    A sincere THANK YOU for keeping us all informed, motivated, and involved in the process of saving our pensions! I sent information from your blog to a high school classmate; his daughter is a HS teacher. They appreciated the critical updates you posted.

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