City of Chicago employees and retirees: Rahm’s budget will cost you plenty.


You may have missed it on Friday when Rahm released his budget promises because an alderman went off message and said property taxes would go up no matter what. That made the headlines.

But Rahm’s real message is that city employees and retirees will carry the burden of budget mismanagement.

The five core principals (sic) to reform include:

• Slow the growth of pension costs by reforming the cost of living formula. In the agreements for three pensions funds reached last year, we worked with organized labor to shift cost of living adjustments from a formula based on compound interest to a simple interest approach. This means that retirees will continue to see an increase in their pension payments each year, but at a somewhat slower growth rate tied to inflation. Our pension reform agreements have also included a series of one-year freezes of cost of living adjustments that allow the funds to catch their breath.

• Maintain the current retirement age for public employees. Though retirement age is a common reform pushed by governments across the country, Rahm believes that our hard-working public servants have planned on retiring and are entitled to the security that they have depended upon for years.

• Gradually increase employee contributions. While we will ask taxpayers to pay more, we also ask current employees to pay a little extra towards their retirements. In the reforms we worked with labor to pass last year, active employees contribute an average of roughly $300 a year more towards their retirements. This same commitment from the employees of the remaining three funds will make a significant contribution toward the solvency of their funds.

• Protect retirees with lower pension income. To ensure we protect those struggling to make ends meet, we exempted retirees with annuities of $22,000 a year or less from certain cost of living formulas. We must continue to protect this segment of retirees in future agreements.

• Phase in funding increases. We must restructure pension payments in a way that allows the City’s taxpayers to ease into making the required payments. Just as we’re asking employees to increase their contribution slowly and steadily over time, we would ask the same of taxpayers. After decades of politicians kicking the can down the road and underfunding public employee pensions, we cannot ask taxpayers to bear the burden of a massive balloon payment all in one year. This shock would decimate the city’s budget and the Chicago economy.

If you read it and miss anything about taxing Rahm’s wealthy friends, it is not a reading problem.

It isn’t there.

20 thoughts on “City of Chicago employees and retirees: Rahm’s budget will cost you plenty.

  1. Rahm’s TV ads should highlight his draconian cuts to women, children and elderly so his wealthy friends can buy a third home

  2. And Rahm is going to get this through the legislature after the Supreme Court throws the State pension cuts out?

    1. So, you believe that police, firemen, teachers, emergency medical technicians and other public service workers and those that have retired from those jobs have “bled the city dry.” I’m just repeating to make sure I understand your position. It is a habit I developed as a teacher of young children who often said things that were utterly incomprehensible. It is a developmental stage most grow out of. But some don’t.

    2. How safe would you feel in your $400,000 home if there were NO police, or firemen? How much would your home be worth without them and teachers, EMT’s and other public service (NOT servitude!) workers. And by the way, this is NOT one of those societies where there is a lower class that by law can only go into certain occupations!! That is why I convinced my OWN children to stay out of teaching and get a job in the VERY lucrative private sector! (I’ve convinced many others too!!)

    3. How am I bleeding the City I make less then thirteen thousand a year when I retire I will only get about seven hundred a month and two thirds is taken out .

  3. I was a city employee, Your saying we have bled the city dry. Well the next time you need the police and call 911 I hope no one never answers your call dirt bag.

  4. I will agree with ‘the corrupt politian” but I would add an ‘s’. Wasn’t just one that “bled the city”. As for the public servants that have worked in one of the most hostile environments, they deserve not only the praise and gratitude of the people they serve, they also deserve what they have been promised and have earned!

  5. Rules for the next Mayor;

    1) Fully fund the pensions, without cuts for existing employees/retirees.

    2) Don’t blame problems on city employees/retirees.

    3) If money runs out, you will need to make tough decisions. If cuts have to be made, or revenue raised, it will have to be without cutting pensions. (See rule #1).

    4) Quit outsourcing, bring back CPS custodians.

    If you don’t follow the rules, you won’t get much support from city/CPS employees, or the unions.

  6. Unfortunate Chicago Citizens Rahm is making a big fuss between Him a & Jesus Chuy Garcia who could will have the best approach to a new Budget WE must remember the crucial years where everyone must be being illustrated & Teach about finances JESUS Chuy GARCIA was learning about it in the University and our dignified Mayor RAHM was busy learning BALLET Chicago in this stage must to have a person able to put CHICAGO in recuperation way & we in CHICAGO NEED A Mayor working NOT dancing BALLET

  7. Oh–as for my DePaul comment above–re-read one of Bro Mike’s blog posts–$500 MILLION to DePaul Stadium/Marriott Hotel complex. So Chuy has no good budget plans & Rahm does?!
    Yes–one that benefits his rich cronies, a private university that needs an arena like we need holes in our heads & a wealthy, profitable hotel chain. And that’s just a PART of Rahm’s “budget plan,” one which will most certainly benefit us all, & will being in so much money that we can forget all of the debt built up in Chicago. (And, of course, that’s the fault of the pension funds.) No blame on the part of LaSalle Street…just like Wall Street.

  8. Stop BSing and open two casinos in Chicago and legalize marijuana! The city would get more than enough revenue without trying to diminish the pensions.

  9. Our elected officials need to get it through their heads that their jobs are TEMPORARY. Someone PLEASE tell me of a TEMPORARY position that not only pays such lucrative salaries, but that afford me of the financial benefit package that our elected officials receive including but not limited to health care and pensions!

  10. Can any tell me the rule on cost of living increase for a widow of a retired city of Chicago municipal employee pension fund???? Is it nothing?? Can’t believe that!! Can someone help??? Thank you!

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