Trotting canards. Quack.

Alan Gottlieb of Education News Colorado accuses me of falsely accusing the LA Times’ naming names series of  being teacher bashing. He writes in the Huffington Post:

Leaders of local and national teachers’ unions responded with varying degrees of outrage. Some trotted out the canard that the paper was “anti-teacher” because it chose to make public this potentially embarrassing and methodologically questionable data.

Fred Klonsky, a Chicago teacher and popular blogger wrote:

For these reporters and editorial board, there is no complexity in assessing student performance that a series of tests and growth scores can’t simplify. It is simple enough that based on their results they are willing to put the names of teachers who don’t match up to the reporter’s expectations in their article.

This is a shameful act of attempting to humiliate teachers. It is teacher bashing at its worse (sic). They treat teachers like Johns busted for hiring a prostitute. Why not publish their home addresses and phone numbers?

Watch out. That’s next

“Trotting out the canard?” Isn’t “canard” French for goose?

My brother saw this and noticed I was described as a “popular blogger.”

“You may not have been popular in high school, but now…” he pointed out.

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