Logan Square neighbors shocked by FBI raid.

The following is a post on the Logan Square list serve:

I’m shocked by these raids.  I know Joe and Stephanie to be peace activists, parents and teachers.  They encourage their students to think critically, to ask questions, to see both sides of issues and to speak out.  This reminds me of the days of Richard Nixon, when the FBI relentlessly tailed anti-war activists for a decade or more.  I realize the FBI is not the President’s private police force, but the FBI director is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, so the FBI’s priorities reflect, in some manner, those of the President.   It surprises and disappoints me to see these raids take place on President Obama’s watch.

There will be better coverage of these issues in days to come, as national rallies take place and the October Chicago grand jury hearing draws closer.  But here are a couple of links that tell more:  The first is “fight back”–an anti-war, pro-socialist site.  The second is “the real Barack Obama” an anti-socialist (pro-war) site.



Joel Monarch

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