Rhee is job hunting? Teachers all over America are speaking as one, “Not here!”

With Michelle Rhee now out of a job and looking, teachers all over the country are saying, “Not here!”

6 thoughts on “Rhee is job hunting? Teachers all over America are speaking as one, “Not here!”

  1. I was looking into Rhee’s background and noted that she had never even been an administrator of a school, and had come from the ranks of Teach for America. Aside from Joel Klein’s recommendation, HOW did this appointment come to be, and to whom is she accountable

  2. All these folks who have little to no classroom experience running the show. We teachers have to, in a lot of ways, follow the leader. Unfortunately for us the leaders are the most illequipped to lead. Its amazing how educational “leaders” today don’t know anything about education. Most, of not all, have attended private school and sent their children to private schools. They’ve never taught, don’t have any education credits and <sit down< have LESS education than most teachers. Go freaking figure!!!!. Hmmmm, could this be why education is in such a state of chaos?

  3. Have you noticed how Rhee’s Twitter and website and Facebook pictures are all smiles? Big smiles! 😀 The kind of smile you could vote for. Apparently her website was designed by some folks who did political websites.

    As a Californian, I note that she’s marrying the mayor of Sacramento, and look on with fear. My prediction: she’ll team up with Broad, Hastings, Gates, and the Fisher family (Don Fisher founded the Gap, but has passed away), and they’ll set her up in a cushy non-profit foundation. There she will be joined by outgoing State Senator Gloria Romero. Romero has championed charter schools, the “parent trigger” law, valued-added measures, etc., and narrowly lost in the June primary in her bid to become the State Supt. of Public Instruction. Her chief donors: Eli and Edyth Broad, Reed Hastings, various Fisher family members.

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