Cullerton and Quinn and GOP conspire to kill state pensions.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Lawmakers in Illinois say they may try to fix the state’s ailing pension system by asking current workers to pay more into the plan, though the approach faces substantial legal and political obstacles.

The lawmakers are also entertaining the politically difficult idea of applying broader pension changes made this year for newly hired employees to current workers. Those include raising the retirement age and scaling back on annual cost-of-living raises. […]

He added that if the legislature voted to increase employee contributions in the current legislative session, Mr. Quinn, a Democrat, “would not stand in its way.”

From Capitol Fax:

House GOP Leader Tom Cross has a bill that would hike current employee pension contributions to 20 percent of salary. The idea would be to “encourage” workers to opt out of the defined benefit system and move to either an annuity program (similar to what SURS uses) or a 401(k) type dealio.

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