Massive retreat by Madigan and Cross. Pension killer pulled off the floor. No vote this session.

This just in at 2PM.

Michael Madigan and Tom Cross, the Democratic and Republican leaders of the Illinois House, have pulled their teacher pension killer bill off the floor.

They promise to bring it back for the Fall Veto Session.

But they cannot hide the fact that a massive, grass-roots effort of teachers, bloggers, activists, retired teachers and the state’s public employee unions beat them bad. At least for the time being.

Never in Illinois history has there been such a mobilization around a piece of legislation.

Over 100,000 emails and 100,000 phone calls to legislators were delivered by teachers, both retired and active.

We’ll have more analysis in the days ahead.

Enjoy the victory.

Light the grill!

6 thoughts on “Massive retreat by Madigan and Cross. Pension killer pulled off the floor. No vote this session.

  1. The way I see it, Fred, you have between now and then to mobilize. No phone calls and emails next time. Instead, show up on their lawn…right there in Springfield…many thousands of you…perhaps even on a school day.

  2. I don’t know Paul. Apparently if we want to go where the power is, thousands of us should show up on Ty Fahner’s lawn. The hell with Springfield. The Civic Committee is at 21 South Clark Street in Chicago.

  3. I’m thrilled our pensions are safe—-for now. We’ve won the battle, but not the war. We have to keep putting pressure on the House and Senate, and apparently Ty Fahner, all summer long. Keep calling, writing, and e-mailing their Springfield and local offices. Circle a day a week on your calendars and spend an hour or two contacting members of the State Legislature this summer. You can contact anyone. You may not be their constituent, but they will be making a decision that may alter your financial future so you deserve to be heard. As for the strong arm tactics, we can apply them too. Tell them that a “Yes” vote to change the current pension system is a vote for their opponent in the next election. Finally, consider running yourself during the next election, especially if you are retired or retiring soon. Why not fill the House and Senate with our own “special interest” legislators?

  4. Mr. ken swanson,dont sell us out with compromises.Leave our pensions is unconstitutional to change it.Fighy for us ,as we have fought for ourselves.

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