The big push and the hard sell.

Some day the story will be told of why NEA President Dennis Van Roekel decided to push for a first time ever presidential endorsement a year ahead of time.

I don’t get it. Those that support it are luke warm. Those that are against it are pissed.

I am convinced Obama would have received the official endorsement next RA. But this just seems smelly and manipulative by many delegates.

And that it is not in the bag is confirmed by this morning’s Illinois Caucus meeting. First a pro-Obama speech by the NEA VP Lily Eskelsen. Then who? Why DVR himself, with a speech declaring that our very future depends on an endorsement NOW! Then John Stocks comes to the podium. Stocks is the incoming Executive Director. He speaks for the endorsement too.

It’s a hat trick! Three NEA leaders in one caucus meeting. It’s a big push and a hard sell.

And the argument?


Michelle Bachmann! Sarah Palin! The Supreme Court! The Koch brothers! Oooooh.

But none of that explains why an endorsement this early? With nothing offered in return? With no changes at the Department of Education. No demand that the invisible Labor Secretary Hilda Solis speak out in defense of collective bargaining.

I mean, crazy Republicans will still be around to scare the bejesus out of folks in 12 months. Longer than that probably.

What’s up with this, DVR?

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