Saturday coffee.

Our Brooklyn grandkids and their mom are about to witness a classic Chicago late summer thunderstorm. Ulysses is already hiding out in some corner of the house.

Yesterday’s opening day of school was a pleasant surprise for everyone.

For some reason the Type 75s in our district decided that we could figure out what to teach this year without a power point presentation of district goals.

They hired a guy who does a motivational talk about school life that was actually pretty funny. What I could hear of it. The opening day program takes place in the middle school all-purpose room. None of the purposes seem to include anything requiring actual acoustics. And I’m losing my hearing anyway. I could have kept saying, “What did he say?” The guys next to me would have killed me. But everyone was laughing, so I figure the guy was pretty funny.

Erin Breen is our local union president. Her speech was received with whistles (I think that was me) and a standing O by everyone else. And our board president, John Heyde, also received a warm welcome. He is considered a teacher friendly school and community leader (although there are members of our board who do not fit that description).

Kids will arrive on Monday afternoon. Teaching begins in earnest on Tuesday.

The thunder I’m hearing as I write this is the final trumpet sound of a good summer.


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