Turn on the lights.

The Type 75 in charge of the physical plant walks by me as if I were indistinguishable from some piece of classroom furniture.

He looks around my room and the room of my colleague without so much as an acknowledgment that we are standing there.

Naturally, I comment on this.

As if aware of our presence for the first time, the Type 75 asks if I notice the new lights that were installed overnight?

“No,” I say. “But I notice the fact that I have to go out in the hall every twenty minutes during the winter to turn on and off the breaker switches because the thermostat in my room hasn’t worked for 12 years.”

“Ah, but you don’t understand. The new lights will save $80,000 in O and M. Then the board will have money for other things.”

“Other things?”

“It’s for the kids,” he tells me.

After he leaves, I walk back I to my room.

The lights don’t work.


3 thoughts on “Turn on the lights.

  1. Ya’ gotta love it, baby. Those type 75’s in charge are clueless. I work for one, too, and was suppose to get all excited and thankful because we each received 3 reams of colored printer paper fpr the year. Wowzer, I just got something I should have had in the first place. (Sorry, I’m not a poet to keep it going.)

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