Dear Anonymous.

Dear Mr. Klonsky:

Reading your post reveals the dishonesty of the teachers’ union mantra that “we’re doing it for the kids.” Instead you just want better compensation and working conditions. Why not admit it?

Moreover, you don’t seem to realize that taxpayers are over-taxed. Your friends in the Illinois legislature increased our income taxes 66%. Federal income taxes are going up. And in “progressive Park Ridge” (whatever that means) property taxes go up by healthy margins every year.

Those of us who balk at a +3.6% increase in teacher pay have nothing against teachers. We think administrators’ pay should be frozen, too. Still, we care about our children far more than you ever could. The more taxes we pay, the less we have to save for college and retirement.

Your post here is a political rant, but what we care about isn’t politics, it’s arithmetic.

– Anonymous

Dear Anonymous,

For years now I have published a blog that engages in these issues and my name is on the cover. I spoke my mind on this blog even when I taught in Park Ridge. Why you are afraid to sign your name to  these things is a mystery to me and cheapens your point of view. This is particularly true when you then claim to speak on  behalf of others as if you somehow represent them.

“We think…”

What “we?”

The other anonymous “taxpayers” who claim to care about the students of Park Ridge but don’t want to pay for it?

However, I’ll be glad to explain one more time.

I admit it.

I want teachers to earn a good living and have good working conditions.

I also know that this is not in contradiction to the needs of our students. Park Ridge teachers’ working conditions are  Park Ridge students’ learning environment. Fair compensation attracts good teachers to Park Ridge.  That’s good for Park Ridge children.

Simple really. It ought to be a shared interest. You don’t want good teachers for the children of Park Ridge and a good learning environment? Shame on you.

The legislature temporarily raised the income tax 2%. You wish to describe it as a 66% increase. That is pure sophistry. The truth of the matter is that the economy of the state is headed into the toilet if the legislature doesn’t increase revenues. A continuation of a flat tax in which the rich and the poor pay at the same rate will guarantee that all public services, schools included, will face an economic disaster. Instead, common sense legislators (of which there are too few) should create a graduated progressive tax system as all but seven states have done.

As for facts, the cost of living raise for teachers in Park Ridge was a modest 2% a year for four years. Not 3.6% as you falsely claim. That is an increase consistent with the increase in the consumer price index and consistent with teacher raises in school districts throughout the north and north-west suburbs and less than the increase recently won by Chicago teachers.

You may consider this a rant, but I do it openly under may name.

– Fred Klonsky

PS: By the way, where were all these hoards of taxpayer watchdogs on Monday night when the board approved the collective bargaining agreement? Where were the supporters of the  board member, Anthony Borelli, cheering him on as he voted for larger class sizes and no salary increases for staff?  Where were all the “we” that you claim to speak for?


6 thoughts on “Dear Anonymous.

  1. Just wondering, how many of these people who begrudge teachers a living wage are the same people who will pay hundreds of dollars to sporting events to watch players who make millions of dollars play kids’ games and not bat an eyelash?

  2. I wonder how Anonymous feels about the NFL referee strike or for that matter, the NFL strike. I know here in Louisiana where football is revered – the moniker SAINTS ain’t no misnomer – the vocal right wing citizenry felt their wings had been clipped BUT not by the standoff by players or referees (unions) but by greedy unreasonable management as personified in Mr. Goodall himself.

    When “Referees for America” showed up they were quickly recognized as unskilled, inexperienced, incompetent bubblers. It was noted that one should be expected to pay a high price for capable officials charged with this most essential American enterprise – Professional football. Of course the officials who preside over it should be Professionals. And shouldn’t the compensation for those with even more Power than, say, Drew Brees who recently successfully negotiated his own contract for $100 million, be sufficiently obscene so as to bring some credibility anyway to their authority? At least until they make a “bad” call against one of OUR players.

    Likewise, ya’ll can rightfully expect those fans who pay $3,000 plus for season tickets, if they can get them, to be pissed when they learn the cost of a public education for their kid in Louisiana ranges from $5,400 to $11,000 depending on their geographic location relative to the Superdome. That leaves little in their piggy bank for lavish tailgate parties or the required official NFL attire boasting the number of their favorite player. Damn those teachers (who in Louisiana are prohibited from striking) for thinking the should be paid based on degree or years of experience. Damn those teachers who send homework home on game nights. Damn those schools for requiring uniforms that limit my child’s ability to express him/herself. I paid good money for that licensed NFL jersey and want mug kid to wear it.

    You get the picture….Teach for America, low pay and union busting are good for our public schools but DON’T MESS WIT DEM SAINTS! GEAUX SAINTS!

    See my blog at (what else)

    1. Geaux–I am so glad you are weighing in here at Fred’s. I read you in Diane Ravitch’s blog
      and, as I am in NOLA numerous times throughout the year, I know whereof you speak. (Just there the last 2 weekends the Saints played at the Superdome &–incredible how empty the streets were during the game–even in the French Quarter!) Keep kickin’ it & sending out your messages–guys, Louisiana is in deep do-do due to the strangulation policies of Bobby Jindal (refuses Medicaid based on abhorrence of Obama Administration)–not only horrifically bad charter schools (out-of-towners–see if you can read Gambit on-line & The Times-Picayune {up till now–T-P is being shut down to 3 days/week by its owner–wonder if anti-Jindal policy/truthful articles had anything to do with that?), but mental health hospital closings, forcing a desperate population to go–where?
      Y’all follow the stories from Louisiana–it’s OUR story, as well.

      You geaux teacher!! (I’ll be reading your blog!)

  3. Fred you are a patient man. Well said. Thank you for you level headed response. My inclination is to say F#%* Off!

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