Will Illinois politicians watch as the house burns? It looks that way.


The game playing will continue until July.

Maybe until 2015.

Unemployment in Illinois remains high. In Chicago it is, shockingly, over 10%

Public services continue to be cut.

Schools closed.

Teachers fired.

And the political leadership in Springfield continues to fiddle.

The Madman has blocked any vote on the We Are One/Cullerton SB2404. That bill was doomed from the start since, while continuing to place the sole burden for the state’s pension liability on the teachers, it didn’t come close to satisfying The Madman and his Republican Guard.

Under Governor Squeezy’s orders, the House and Senate met yesterday and the House took testimony from some Senators on SB2404.

But not really. Senators who met with Republicrat Elaine Nekritz were bombarded with hostile questions. She wanted her pound of flesh.

When they meet in July this will all happen again. The Senate will not roll-over on the command of The Madman.

And then it will be election time.

Nothing will happen.

And then it will be 2015.

The pension liability will have grown because the revenue issue will have remained unaddressed.

It is the price we pay for the leaders we have.

4 thoughts on “Will Illinois politicians watch as the house burns? It looks that way.

  1. And so called “Pension Reform” is still the only action being considered while all other “real” and effective means of generating revenue for the state are ignored.
    The allegiance of Rats and Fat Cats continues. They should be sent to prison with the
    other political crooks!

  2. I try to look at it in a positive outlook as a great source of comedy, which holds off the despair and tears.

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