DVR’s speechwriter: “This is a gross misinterpretation.”

Melinda D. Anderson 
This is gross misinterpretation of Dennis Van Roekel’s remarks easily avoided if you had simply ASKED him what he meant!
Were you there?
I was not, yet well aware of pre-conf messaging and your “take” is way off-base. Again, did you ASK meaning when you had chance?
He left the hall Melinda. Announced he was late and had to leave. But you say I and others didn’t hear it. But u not there.
What was the “pre-conference messaging”?
If you’re interested in knowing intended messages, there’s very easy way to obtain that information. We both know what that is.
What I’m saying Fred is before writing blog post & asking others what they thought DVR said you make attempt to clarify w. source.
It is bush-league to write post making these kind of blatant charges w/out at minimum giving individual a chance to respond.
Unless you have agenda, and asking for clarification would undermine that agenda. Speaking solely for myself, highly suspect IMHO.

12 thoughts on “DVR’s speechwriter: “This is a gross misinterpretation.”

    1. No Sandra. It behooves YOU to figure out what his “intended pre-conference messaging” was.

  1. Ha! Talk about “bush league.” Melinda must have gone to a second-rate hack school.

    Your problem, Bro, is that you must have been taught critical thinking skills by good teachers during your time in public school.

    Next time, ask the commissar before you think for yourself. Find out what the party line is before you ask your fellow union members their opinion. That’s the key to faithful blogging my friend. And the key to staying on the right side of Melinda whatsername, which I’m sure really concerns you.

  2. Funny how NEA members NEVER mis-interpreted Reg Weaver’s position on critical issues facing public education and teachers. We ALWAYS know were he stood in relationship to our union’s mission and the union members. A good, clear message would have never been mis-interpreted as it seems in DVR’s case today.

  3. I now understand why teachers and education in general are in the position they’re in with regard to fighting for their dignity, integrity, pensions, and so much more because of understanding from the leadership at the state and national levels. Oops, excuse me, I meant LACK of understanding from leadership at the state and local levels. Talk about doublespeak at its finest!!! For a moment I thought it was 1984–not 2013!!

  4. I’m sure there is an official transcript of DVR’s speech that’s in discussion here. Leader’s should be seasoned enough and “sharp” enough to “say what they mean” and “mean what they say”.

    Any communicated message should be articulated clearly and concisely. Leaving no room for misinterpretation. In life it’s not the fall but how you get up that counts!

  5. I talked to other retired members at the RA and they did not interpret DVR’s speech anywhere close to this. I am attending the RA now and will listen for myself. It’s a shame that others who gave an opinion different than yours about the speech are attacked in such a childish manner rather than simply stating specifics of what was said or not said.

    1. I stated the specifics. I made no attacks. I simply asked Ms Anderson if she was there? What
      “childish attacks” are you saying that I made? You make anonymous claims of what unnamed retirees said.

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