6 thoughts on “Ten minute drawing. Fire Arne.

  1. And you think Obama would replace Duncan with whom?

    Duncan is not the problem, only a symptom.

    1. Remember, Obama doesn’t just use Arne for his expertise in the field of education. Arne has game. He knows what he’s doing with a basketball. So if Arne is to be replaced, President Obama may want to consider a retiring NBA player who also has a bachelor’s degree in education. Just a thought!

  2. As we sit and ponder the mess we have before us with Arne and Rahm, let’s not forget our good friend, Mayor Daley Jr., and all of the great things he did for the city and our schools. He still is passing on the benefits of his power to his siblings. He can’t appear in court to testify on possible issues in which he may have had involvement because of a medical issue.

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