11 thoughts on “Ten minute drawing. The kids will be glad.

  1. Are you beginning to believe the Democrats have forgotten who won the last two elections for them. It is getting harder to tell the difference between the Democrats and Republicans. Both groups seem to be Dollarcrats!

  2. All the politicians kowtow to the billionaire owners and millionaire CEOs. If Rauner is elected governor (or as Bruce All Mighty likes to call it, “Emperor”) he will do what ever it takes to make him and his friends richer. Not just destroy public sector unions, but ALL private sector unions, and make Illinois a “Right to work for less” state. It will be ALL about the wealthy!! God Help Us!!!!!

    1. At this point our pensions are like the WW2 4-engine airplane with 3 engines out. Of the 4 that could protect us, 3 have failed us. The Illinois house, the Illinois Senate, and the Governor. Any one of them could have stopped the pension cuts, but they did not. The final engine is the Illinois Supreme Court. If they don’t throw out the pension cuts, the pensions will crash and burn!
      The pensions and the future for public employees and retirees is truly “Coming in on a Wing and a Prayer”.

  3. Is there any movement to collect the names of all the legislators who plundered our pensions, creating a crisis, and making the entire pension system nothing more than a Ponzi scheme? These legislators need to be held accountable for their long-term misuse of the funds teachers paid. Where is the list of all the career legislators who knowingly broke the law not just once but over decades? Is anyone looking at it and where is the lawsuit against the real law-breakers?

      1. I saw the photos you posted. Which ones are the long-term offenders, and how many years did they vote against the law? I don’t expect you to be a lawyer. If no one goes to the source of the problem, it is obvious to me that politics will prevail as usual and there will be no changing SB 1 because everyone thinks that is the only solution to getting the fiscal budget in Illinois in order while the whole situation rests on quicksand and illegal behavior. I saw the photos, but are these one-time thieves, or decades long thieves? Maybe it is too risky to actually sue the thieves directly??

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