An hour with Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis. Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers: The downloadable podcast.


Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers #5

This morning we spent an hour with Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis on episode #5 of our radio show: Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers on 105.5FM in Chicago and live streamed.

Now our podcasts are being hosted on iTunes. Episode #4 is already there.

Karen is a friend and a hero of ours, so we couldn’t have had more fun and had a better conversation.

Karen started by declaring firmly she has had no contact with the Russian Ambassador.

She may be the only one.

We spent a good amount of time in the first half hour talking about classroom stuff since Ms Lewis was a Chicago public school chemistry teacher for over two decades.

The second half hour included more of the political stuff: Rahm, Rauner and the Grand Bargain, school funding, social justice unionism plus a break with a too short sample of the band, Jackass Magnets.


One thought on “An hour with Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis. Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers: The downloadable podcast.

  1. As a long time (51 years) Social Science high school teacher (in Illinois since 1967), I have worked to make public schools free and open to all. Illinois public schools include ALL of the schools in the state. There must not be a “down state” vs. City of Chicago partition as regards public schools as well as all matters of state. Support, financial and in others way, for public schools is an Illinois Constituion and legislative requirement. Every student must be given the opportunity, and support, to have the very best education.

    Yours in education,
    Dr. Charels W. Birch, public school teacher

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