Darwin School’s LSC election.

Darwin Boundary

Darwin elementary school is located two blocks from our house. It is a neighborhood public school – an endangered species in the City of Chicago.

One of our now-grown daughters attended Darwin. Since retiring I have volunteered some time teaching ukulele at Darwin.

Darwin is an important asset to a community we have lived in for over 4 decades. That’s why I am following our Local School Council elections.

Local School Councils are one of our city’s most democratic institutions. LSCs were established in 1989 in a wave of community-based reform sparked by organizing around the 19-day Chicago Public School (CPS) teacher strike in 1987.

City-wide elections for Local School Councils will take place on April 18th.

From my neighbor and friend, Jeff Young:

I’m a CPS graduate (James B Farnsworth Elementary, ’88), the proud parent of a CPS student and a long time (20+ years) Logan Square resident. Two years ago I was elected a parent representative at Darwin, where my daughter attends, with a lot of votes from the community. I’m asking for the community’s help again on April 18th for another two years.
During the last two years on the LSC I have worked to give voice to the concerns of parents and staff at Darwin; these concerns are often difficult to raise and not easy for the principal to hear but it is important they are addressed. I have also tried to contribute to a more efficient and inclusive council, encouraging as many parents as I can to come and participate in the meetings.
Darwin is a Level 1 school and has improved substantially since my daughter started pre-k, thanks to the dedication of the staff and administration. I want to see this progress continue. We deserve good schools in Logan Square that attract local families.
If you live within Darwin’s attendance boundary (see the attached image) you are eligible to vote on April 18, all you need is a driver’s license or other ID that proves your address. Voting occurs at the school from 6 AM to 7 PM; Darwin is located at the corner of Belden and Albany.
It’s a lot to ask someone to take 20-30 out of their day to vote in LSC elections but your participation sends a strong message that you value good schools in your neighborhood and critical oversight over those schools by people who care. Thank you for your support. 
I recommend also voting for the following other candidates, many of whom I’ve served with over the last two years:
Kate Carolan (for community rep)
Amanda McBee (for community rep)
Erin Rensink (for parent rep)
Dawn Herrera Helphand (for parent rep)
Erika Tellez (for parent rep)

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