Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers. Episode 64. Ralph Martire.


I claim that data, presented fairly and accurately, is inherently progressive.

Kind of like when Steven Colbert claimed facts have a liberal bias.

The hell with liberal bias. Facts should point us to radical solutions.

Ralph Martire is Executive Director of the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability. He describes it as not a non-partisan organization but as a bi-partisan group that presents data to those in the state who make policy decisions about things like school funding and fair taxation.

He started by quoting Adam Smith to point out how whack Illinois is even if you’re after solutions that fully support capitalism.

They are very whack if you care about working people, the poor and communities of color.

Ralph and I get into a little debate about the impact of the state’s recent school funding formula and its impact on special education.

But a little debate on Hitting Left is what makes for lively discussion.

You can hear the podcast here.



2 thoughts on “Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers. Episode 64. Ralph Martire.

  1. Just listened to the podcast. Thanks for having Ralph on. Very interesting, & I’m forwarding this to a lot of people (especially those “well-meaning advocates” in special ed. who “have got the bill reading wrong…the math wrong. I respect them. I’m just saying they’re wrong.”)
    Wish this show could have lasted a whole lot longer!

  2. Oh, & I also find it interesting that certain legislators were all on board for SB 1 E.B.M & took his advice (C.T.B.A’s), but wouldn’t–& still don’t–listen to him/C.T.B.A. & their studies as per solving the pension crisis. Could ILL-Annoy Stand on Children contributions to those legislators (& Advance ILL-Annoy backing for SB 1) have something to do with this?
    Finally, I still don’t know where the money is coming from to fund the new school funding formula (except for from special ed. & about 25 other programs that were totally kiboshed). I was talking to a State Rep. from one of the wealthier districts & was told, “Don’t worry–your property tax dollars aren’t going to be touched; we have a ‘hold harmless’ on them.” Wait, what? I thought that was the purpose of this bill, & others also thought it was great that school districts such as Harvey or Robbins or East St. Louis were going to get some monies already in Winnetka and Burr Ridge and Lake Forest.
    Please have Ralph back again &, if you can, have audience call ins.
    Thanks again, Fred & Mike, for the great shows.

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