COVID19 by zip code and race.

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Days ago New York City’s Health Department released a detailed map of the city’s coronavirus cases, broken down by zip code.

The map uses data from up until March 31, when there were 38,396 confirmed cases in the city. Johns Hopkins University Medical Center says that as of April 1, New York City has 43,119 cases and 1,096 deaths.

The map shows that several locations in the boroughs outside Manhattan have the highest concentrations of COVID-19 cases, between 306 and 947.

Some of the hardest-hit neighborhoods are poor, working class and Black and Brown that include Elmhurst and Kew Gardens Hills in Queens, the South Bronx, and East New York in Brooklyn.

On Thursday, ProPublica released its own interactive map that provides additional information using the city’s data.

I’ve been searching daily for similar data about the impact on class and race of the virus in Chicago.

It has been difficult if not impossible to find.

Today WBEZ public radio published some info.

As of Saturday, 107 of the county’s 183 deaths from COVID-19 were black. In Chicago, 61 of the 86 recorded deaths – or 70% – were black residents. Blacks make up 29% of Chicago’s population.

Why has it taken so long to get this data?

According to ProPublica, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention typically tracks detailed data, including race, during outbreaks. But the federal agency did not respond to ProPublica’s request for data that includes a racial breakdown.

There’s been a push to get a racial breakdown of the cases at the national level, said Murray. It is important to get the data so that resources and culturally competent information can be distributed.

It has been said repeatedly that the coronavirus does not discriminate.

But the system does.

5 thoughts on “COVID19 by zip code and race.

  1. Extremely amazing data. If you consider all of the countless examples of unfairness that have been thrown at the poor and down trodden over the years, this information is sadly not surprising. Thank you for pursuing this data.

  2. I remember that racist ex-Mayor Rahm Emanuel closed about 50 schools and several mental health clinics primarily in black and brown neighborhoods. I also remember that he closed some medical facilities. Do you remember how many, what they were and where they were?
    I have done some google searches and cannot find specifics.

  3. Boris Johnson is in intensive care…reaping what he attempted to sow.

    Karma can not be quarantined.

  4. Once we reach the other shore…what’s it gonna be like?…I really wonder.

    How much Americans value freedom and true democracy will soon become apparent…for sure.

    My money is on freedom…for all.

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