Andrew Breitbart threatens teachers.

My stalker, Ben Velderman.

People often ask me why Ben Velderman, who has the chief responsibility of fetching his boss Kyle Olson some coffee, filed an Illinois FOIA request for my emails.

Andrew Breitbart explained it all on Sean Hannity last night.

Breitbart, you may remember, runs a tea bagger blog called Big Government. The blog features, among others, the teacher hating rants of Kyle Olson, Ben Velderman’s guru. Breitbart is most famous for his phony doctored videos of the Civil Rights hero Shirley Sherrod.

Breitbart received a rather chilly reception in Madison, Wisconsin over the weekend at an anti-worker rally that featured Sarah Palin. He was loudly booed by counter demonstrators at a pathetically tiny tea bagger rally.

According to estimates approximately 5,500 people showed up for the much ballyhooed Tea Party rally. However, Tea Party enthusiasts were out numbered 10 to 1 by liberals, progressives and Democrats protesting the event.

At one point an angry and frustrated Andrew Breitbart yelled at the hostile crowd “Go to Hell! Go to Hell!” All the while the crowd taunted Breitbbart with shouts of “Shame, Shame, Shame!” and “Tax, Tax, Tax, Tax the rich!”

Licking his wounds, Breitbart appeared on Sean Hannity last night. And there he let the cat out of the bag.

HANNITY: His name, Andrew Breitbart, and tonight he joins us right here in studio to talk about his brand new book “Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World.” We’ve got, got We got —
BREITBART: We are going to take on education next, go after the teachers and the union organizers.

Go after teachers?

Get in line, Andy.

3 thoughts on “Andrew Breitbart threatens teachers.

  1. This Breitbart ain’t too swift in my book. He gets booed by real people and curses them out (not good for anyone’s image) but is that really the title of his book? Instead of “going after education”, perhaps he needs some.

  2. I just love that Velderman picture. When they put faces like that up on the TV screen, we used to say as kids, “guilty case closed”.

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