Early morning Fox.

WGN’s early morning sport reporter, Pat Tomasulo.

I’m getting ready to fly off to Brooklyn this morning to see my daughters, their partners, my grand kids and the rest of my New York family.

I never watch Fox. But I had heard that Kyle Olson was on something called Fox and Friends at 5:50 AM.

I usually turn on WGN, a local station for weather, sports and traffic as I get dressed. On this morning, I switched over to Fox.

Olson was telling this story of a Wisconsin custodian who allegedly got fired for having a Scott Walker bumper sticker on her car.

Can I say the story sounded fishy? But fishier still was Olson and the host going on about how this shows how the unions are all about “their way or the highway.”

One (and only one) problem with this story was that the WEAC, the teachers union in Wisconsin, never was a part of their story. Olson never claimed the union had the custodian fired. He did claim two teachers complained.

He said one was an Art teacher.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

In the end, this was a Seinfeld story. It was about nothing.

And then the host announced that tomorrow the custodian who was fired will be on to tell her side of the story.

Didn’t I just hear her side of the story? Fox. Fair and balanced.

This was all too weird for so early in the morning. I’m back to WGN.

I like Pat Tomasulo doing sports.

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