Guzzardi’s kick-off and the youth movement.


Several hundred young activists fill the room for Will Guzzardi’s kick-off. 

When I moved to Logan Square in 1975, with a few exceptions, none of the several hundred activists who filled Cole’s Bar on Milwaukee Avenue in Logan Square last night were even born yet.

They were there to kick-off Will Guzzardi’s second run for Representative in the 39th Illinois House District against the incumbent daughter of the Cook County Democratic Party Boss.

To me, the most striking thing about election politics in Chicago right now is that it is a youth movement.

They don’t just look younger because I’m getting old(er).

They are young.

Of all the demographic shifts that have taken place in Logan Square and the 39th District, the most significant may be the growth of young residents who are progressive in their politics.

That’s one of the reasons the Old Democratic Machine that holds the 39th Representative District seat now will lose next March.

Guzzardi lost two years ago by 125 votes.

I was at the kick-off at Cole’s two years ago. Last night’s campaign kick-off had twice as many people as two years ago.

At least 125 more people.

Included in the short list of speakers were two alderman from the 39th District, Scott Waguespack and John Arena. Both are members of the City Council’s Progressive Caucus.

Both alderman and Guzzardi were active in support of the teachers and opposed the Mayor on school closings.

All three support an elected school board.

They are all young.

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