Teacher and union activist Todd Mertz: “This is it.” With emails of every Illinois legislator.

From Todd Mertz:

This morning a pension deal was struck between all four legislative leaders–Madigan, Cullerton, Radogno, and Durkin.

This agreement would steal an estimated $160 billion from teachers and state employees over the next 30 years.

The vote will take place in both the House and the Senate on Tuesday.

What a great way to wish teachers and state employees a happy Thanksgiving.

The We Are One Coalition, including the teachers’ unions (IEA and IFT) and AFSCME, released this response and press statement today.

Rank-and-file legislators don’t even know the details yet.  They will be sent an “explanatory memo” on Friday with the plan’s details.  And then they will vote on Tuesday.  This will all happen very quickly.

While we don’t know all the details, the amount the plan “saves” (or steals) means it is probably as bad as Madigan’s SB1 that failed miserably in the Senate on May 30th.

Crain’s Business, however, acquired some of the details.  (Fred Klonsky has them on his blog site).

The plan includes the following:

–Hiking retirement ages
–Slashing COLA
–Implementing a defined contribution plan (similar to a 401(k) plan)

Including a defined contribution plan is about the worst thing that legislators could do for two reasons.

First, there is no guarantee of any sort for annuity for pensioners–not even a cent.

Secondly, it would cut off, or reduce, much-needed investment income into the current defined benefit plan (TRS).  That investment income is needed to grow over many years in order to pay future pensioners.

Adding a defined contribution plan further jeopardizes the health of the existing retirement system.  It is clear that by including a defined contribution plan as part of the deal, our legislators are NOT acting in the best interest of stabilizing TRS and the other four state pension systems.

This can be stopped.  It has been before.  Many times.

If we can get to the new year, it will be even harder for legislative leaders to acquire enough pension votes because it is an election year and the politicians don’t want to upset groups of constituents.

Pension Emergency Day:  Monday

The We Are One Coalition has declared this Monday as Pension Emergency Day.

Teachers are strongly encouraged to assist groups of union members at selected legislator’s home offices.  These legislators were specifically selected because they could potentially vote either way.

Education and pension blogger Glen Brown has that list of legislators, times, and locations here.  Active teachers will be back in school on Monday, but many of rallies aren’t until 4:00.

Call and email.  Attached is a list of ALL the legislators’ email addresses.  Email as many as you can.

Attend one of these rallies.  It doesn’t matter if your legislator is not on the list.

There is not much time, so if you email, your Subject is probably going to be the most important, as they may not even take the time to open it.  It could simply say, “No Pension Reform!”

As TRS Trustee Bob Lyons states, “The pension you protect now is what you will live on for the rest of your life.”

This is it.

Pension Conference Committee (10 Members)


Elaine Nektitz (D) — 57th District — Buffalo Grove –ph #  (847) 229-5499  enekritz@repnekritz.org

Darlene Senger (R) — 41st District — Naperville –ph #  (630) 420-3008  sengerstaterep@gmail.com

Jill Tracy (R) — 94th District — Quincy – ph # (217) 223-0833  jiltracy@jiltracy.com

Arthur Turner (D) — 9th District — Chicago — ph #  773-277-4700

Mike Zalewski (D) — 23rd District — Riverside – ph # (708) 442-6500  repzalewski@gmail.com.


Daniel Biss (D) — 9th District — Skokie — ph # 847-568-1250 daniel@danielbiss.com

William Brady (R) — 44th District — Bloomington — ph #309-664-4440 billbrady@senatorbillbrady.com

Linda Holmes (D) — 42nd District — Aurora — phone # 630-801-8985   holmes@senatedem.illinois.gov

Matt Murphy (R) — 27th District — Palatine — phone #  847-776-1490 senatormattmurphy@gmail.com

Kwame Raoul (D) — 13th District — Chicago — phone # 773-363-1996 raoul@senatedem.ilga.gov

98th Illinois General Assembly Email Addresses

repdurkin@hotmail.com; jason@jasonbarickman.org; rep@pbellock.com; repdrury@gmail.com; ilhouse52@gmail.com; staterepsue@gmail.com; reptabares@gmail.com; statereplarrywalshjr@gmail.com; repwelch@emanuelchriswelch.com; brauerr@housegopmail.state.il.us; rep.bost@hotmail.com; john@johncavaletto.com; stephanie.kifowit@att.net; repharris@yahoo.com; info@kayhatcher.us; mmcauliffe20@yahoo.com; moffitt@grics.net; ilhouse51@sbcglobal.net; jiltracy@jiltracy.com; repmanley@gmail.com; jimsacia@aeroinc.net; repsosnowski@gmail.com;repunes@gmail.com; pamrothd75@gmail.com; poer@housegopmail.state.il.us; bob@pritchardstaterep.com; repmorrison54@gmail.com; senator@kdillard.com; dharmon@senatedem.ilga.gov; holmes42@senatedem.illinois.gov; dvbeiser@sbcglobal.net; repjohnbradley@mychoice.net; burkedj2@ilga.gov; chapa-laviali@ilga.gov; mmadigan@hds.ilga.gov; repcurrie@sbcglobal.net; johnd@ilga.gov; davismd@ilga.gov; williamd@ilga.gov; repdeluca@sbcglobal.net; krfarnham@gmail.com; sara@staterepsara.com; flowersme@ilga.gov; lkf@ilga.gov; jack@jackfranks.org; robyn@robyngabel.com; estherg@ilga.gov; repberrios39@gmail.com; repzalewski@gmail.com; daniel@danielbiss.com; repacevedo@sbcglobal.net; repharris@yahoo.com; christine@senatorradogno.com; dennisreboletti@sbcglobal.net; john@senatorcullerton.com; senatorhaine@senatedem.illinois.gov; greg@gregharris.org; naomi@naomijakobsson.com; staterepchuck67@aol.com; repjones.jones@gmail.com; langli@ilga.gov; patti76th@ivnet.com; repemily@gmail.com; ckrez37@att.net; deb@debmell.org; enekritz@repnekritz.org; rep.riley38@sbcglobal.net; staterepsoto@sbcglobal.net; rep32district@gmail.com; pverschoore@qconline.com; michaelz@ilga.gov; tom@tomcross.com; sommer@mtco.com; staterepbrown@gmail.com; repcassidy@gmail.com; repfine@gmail.com; dkoehler@senatedem.ilga.gov; repderricksmith@yahoo.com;drighter@consolidated.net; dan@senatorduffy.com; repdavidleitch@gmail.com; sengerstaterep@gmail.com; mike@miketryon.com; senatorlahood@att.net; senatorsam@frontier.com; mccarter51@att.net; senatormattmurphy@gmail.com; senatorrezin@gmail.com; repdistrict3@gmail.com; info@senatordavesyverson.com; repcddavidsmeyer@gmail.com; info@timschmitz.org; rkosel@ilga.gov; mike.fortner@sbcglobal.net; rephammond@macomb.com; dwightkay112@gmail.com;

imartinez@senatedem.ilga.gov; repmitchell@earthlink.net; bphelps118@gmail.com; staterepcostello@gmail.com; kendunkin@msn.com; sandrapihos42@gmail.com; staterepevans@gmail.com; esthergolar@sbcglobal.net; repjgordon@gmail.com; dan@senatorkotowski.com; rayhanania@senatorlandek.com; lightford4@senatedem.illinois.gov; ilhouse51@sbcglobal.net; msandoval@senatedem.ilga.gov; hsteans@senatedem.ilga.gov; kellyb@ilga.gov; fred@fredcrespo.com; rep26district@gmail.com; 60thdistrict@gmail.com; staterepmussman@gmail.com; repsente@gmail.com; raoul@senatedem.ilga.gov; ann@repannwilliams.com; billbrady@senatorbillbrady.com; hutchinson@senatedem.illinois.gov; dan@rep-danbrady.com; frerichs@senatedem.illinois.gov; illinoisdistrict7@gmail.com; mnoland@senatedem.ilga.gov; karenmcconnaughay33@gmail.com; jacobs@senatedem.illinois.gov; osmondjoann@aol.com; reposmond@aol.com; johncabello@aol.com; staterephalbrook@frontier.com; repmartwick@gmail.com;  staterepmoylan@gmail.comrepsims34@gmail.com; repwillis77@gmail.com; senatorconnelly21@gmail.com; repehernandez@yahoo.com; pamela@pamelaalthoff.net; senatorbivins@grics.net; jclayborne@senatedem.ilga.gov; jcollins@senatedem.ilga.gov; wdelgado@senatedem.ilga.gov; gforby@senatedem.ilga.gov; mhunter@senatedem.ilga.gov; ejones@senatedem.ilga.gov; senator@link30.org; sendavel@midwest.net; jmulroe@senatedem.ilga.gov; amunoz@senatedem.ilga.gov; drighter@consolidated.net; isilverstein@senatedem.ilga.gov; jsullivan@senatedem.ilga.gov; senatortrotter@yahoo.com; david@davidreis.org; robertbobrita@aol.com; waynerosenthal@consolidated.net; arthurt@ilga.gov; staterepcloonen79@att.net; repsandack@gmail.com; repcmeier@gmail.com; bertinotarrant49@att.net; melinda@senatormelindabush.com; joanknight10@gmail.com; ilsenate29@gmail.com; repjeanneives@gmail.com; repdebconroy@gmail.com; tom@tomdemmer.com; staterepharms@gmail.com; repfranhurley@gmail.com; repsmiddy@gmail.com; repwheeler64@gmail.com; repsamyingling@gmail.com; repjayhoffman@gmail.com; bbsty2010@gmail.com; tcullerton@senatedem.ilga.gov; nharris@senatedem.ilga.gov; mhastings@senatedem.ilga.gov; amanar@senatedem.ilga.gov; senatorpatmcguire@sbcglobal.net; jimo@ilga.gov; ls@chapinrose.net; bbriney@senatedem.ilga.gov; chad@rephays.com; d.o.5senvanpelt@gmail.com; info@billcunningham.com; samm@mccann-construction.com; Morrisonforstatesenate@gmail.com; staterepcamilleylilly@gmail.com

10 thoughts on “Teacher and union activist Todd Mertz: “This is it.” With emails of every Illinois legislator.

      1. Just a point of correction, Susan. Madigan doesn’t in fact appoint Supreme Court justices. While I understand your point about how politics plays a role in all this, there is not a single lawyer I have talked to that assumes that politics alone will determine the outcome. In addition, politics cuts both ways. A loud movement among retirees that demands justice also has a political impact on the courts.

  1. Fred you and some of our other friends have helped quite a bit by giving so much needed information. I still cannot believe, but know that it is true, that after a guarantee by the Constitution and the ERI, in addition to all my contributions, my pension may be in jeopardy.
    In spite of all this I wish everyone, yes friend and foe alike a Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. It took an hour and five minutes to send an individual email to every rep. and sen. in the list and only three were returned as undeliverable. They all know where I stand. “I’m retired. My pension is a promise guaranteed by the state constitution. We all know it. Do the right thing!”

  3. How are they going to go to 401 K type plans without implementing social security for workers? I thought it was either pension, social security, or both.

  4. Please give me more details as to how exactly this works and if there are any costs involved. Please don’t have anyone call me, just send me an email reply. Thank you. Sarah.

  5. voluntarly choosing a 401k if your dumb enough to do it will pass muster. Most everything else will go down in flames.

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