Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers. Episode 83. Dima Khalidi.

Dima Khalidi is a lawyer and executive director of Palestine Legal.

She was our guest today on Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers.

You won’t read much about The Great March of Return in Gaza in the papers or see it on 24 hour cable. It’s not just Fox that makes no mention. There’s not much mention of it in the New York Times or Washington Post either

The Great March is a non-violent protest of the siege of Gaza by Israel. One Israeli soldier has been killed since protest began. Thousands of Palestinians of been wounded and killed, including children.

It appears that like most media stories, Trump is the director of media attention.

Have you noticed that while hours of media time has been spent on Russian interference in our elections and political process, the millions of dollars spent by Israel directly and through it advocates aimed at influencing our elections is rarely, if ever, mentioned.

Pro-Israeli American billionaire Sheldon Adelson is now the largest political donor in the country, with monthly access to Trump.

Pro-Israeli dollars are spent lobbying state and federal legislators to punish advocacy that has a direct impact on American’s right to free speech, including our support for the BDS (boycott, divest and sanctions) movement that supports Palestinian rights, including the right of return.

Any criticism of Israel brings the phony accusation of anti-Semitism.

The attack on our free speech rights is dangerous stuff.  Palestinian Legal, of which Khalidi is the executive director, is a player in the fight against these free speech restrictions.

You can hear the podcast here.

2 thoughts on “Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers. Episode 83. Dima Khalidi.

  1. Fred, you know this, the media, much of the left, the right, and center is pro-israel. Left-over guilt, sensitive to past anti-semitism, the Palestinians are terrorists, and the Christian right is pro-israel for their expected role in ³ The End of Days. They are the Bad Guys and the Israelis are the Good Guys. Why are you not with the program? Bob

    From: Fred Klonsky Reply-To: Fred Klonsky Date: Friday, September 28, 2018 at 4:48 PM To: Bob Lyons Subject: [New post] Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers. Episode 83. Dima Khalidi.

    WordPress.com Fred Klonsky posted: ” Dima Khalidi is a lawyer and executive director of Palestine Legal. She was our guest today on Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers. You won’t read much about The Great March of Return in Gaza in the papers or see it on 24 hour cable. It’s not just “

  2. This is the first podcast I have listened to…I envy your relationship with your brother.

    I have two older brothers, but we don’t share the same political views…which makes it difficult on many levels…sadly.

    You two are obviously very close and share the same perspective…I think I’m safe in assuming?

    I believe you guys know how fortunate you are to have such a close relationship…and I’m positive you cherish it.

    You guys crack me up!

    Now I will be forced to listen to all of your podcasts.

    I found your and your charming guest’s remarks informative and interesting.

    I’ve long struggled with finding fault regarding extreme Zionism…while fearing being labeled or accused of being anti-Semitic.

    It’s a difficult trick bag to avoid.

    I mostly avoid the Palestinian/Israeli dilemma in conversation with anyone…and later feel like I should have expressed my actual opinion…henceforth, I will not avoid expressing my actual opinion …which is that violence based on religion or land rights is wrong when or wherever it occurs…and that there is surely a better solution…everyone deserves the right to a safe home!

    I(obviously) don’t have the foreign policy skills to state or identify any such solution…but I know any rightful solution will issue from an open heart and compassionate lovingkindness…perhaps I ask too much of my fellow man at our current level of development?…but I have hope that one day soon, our species will evolve towards that ultimate solution for us all.

    I continue to imagine.

    I know I’m not the only one.

    Peace is the way…the path is in the heart…that’s all I know for sure.

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