The nation’s teacher unions should be leading the fight for mandated vaccinations, not opposing it.

NEA President Becky Pringle and AFT President Randi Weingarten. Both oppose mandated vaccinations for teachers.

“Vaccinations must be negotiated between employers and workers, not coerced,” says Weingarten. The National Education Association supports allowing an option for weekly testing for teachers instead of requiring a vaccine. New York’s state United Teachers union likewise opposes a vaccine mandate.

This is utter nonsense.

What is to negotiate? What do the leaders of the AFT and the NEA want in return.

Safer classrooms isn’t a good enough deal for them?

This is from the same union leaders that went along with Arne Duncan’s Race to the Top which required teacher rankings and evaluations to be linked to individual student test scores.

Music teachers being evaluated on how their students did on a standardized math test.

What happened to collective bargaining then?

Who would think that Randi Weingarten and Florida governor Ron DeSantis would both be opposed to what they call coercive mandated vaccinations.

Randi says that regular testing should be an alternative.


Regular testing should be mandated too.

3 thoughts on “The nation’s teacher unions should be leading the fight for mandated vaccinations, not opposing it.

  1. Such profound stupidity is beyond understanding! No wonder we are falling apart! Not Union leaders just idiots!

  2. Interesting that they don’t fight mandated federal testing (bad) yet they fight mandated vaccinations
    Maybe they need to go back to school & learn the difference between right & wrong.

  3. We require that our children receive a battery of vaccines. What is it about Covid, particularly now with the Delta variant, that makes it so different? Time to stop the political games and protect our schools the best way we know how–with vaccination for all those who are eligible.

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