Funny? How am I funny?


Senator Bertino-Tarrant and Representative Manley,

It is interesting to see the Governor and legislative leaders smiling and laughing as the Governor signs the bill stealing millions of hard earned (and paid for) pension dollars from retirees. What a happy time for them and a sad time for Illinois!

How will they look when the Illinois Supreme Court strikes down the law? They will have wasted many months and the problem will still exist! What a waste if time and tax payer’s money!

Paul J. Mikulcik, Ed.D.
A National Distinguished Principal, Retired

“It is our choices. . . that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities”
A. Dumbledore/J.K. Rowling


6 thoughts on “Funny? How am I funny?

  1. They’ll be laughing out the other side of their unmentionable orifices when the Rahmpublican party goes down in defeat to the Teapublican party in the next several cycles of Illinois elections.

  2. I do not want to be the cause of anyone losing hope, but I was certain that at least those of us already retired had nothing to fear, from this new law, but now I have doubts. I have been reading articles, both pro and con regarding the potential decision by the Courts and there are strong arguments for and against this law. The strongest argument presented that would result in the law surviving a court challenge is the possibility that the court will decide that the area is best left in the hands of the legislature and refuse to rule. This position was taken, in the past, when certain legislative bills were challenged.
    Comments would be appreciated.

  3. Let our legislators all laugh because we’ll have the last laugh on election day. There are more us than there are of them and we vote. We had momentum before the bill and we’ll have even more in November. No matter how the courts rule, we’re not going to go away because we know our legislators will be back with their greedy little paws to get more from us in due time when they realize their fuzzy math doesn’t add up. In due time we’ll be a force to be reckoned with. Listen up legislators, we’re not rolling over and playing dead. We’re coming to get you the way you got us–through votes!

  4. They’re laughing because none of their pensions will be affected by the new law. Either way we’re screwed. What are our choices in the next election? These knuckleheads or maybe Bruce Rauner who is not hiding the fact in his tv ads that he will not be afraid of dealing with unions. Can you say Right to Work for less state?

  5. Politicians need to be hurt by this cruel and unjust act. When several hundred thousand people reverse their votes or simply not vote, gerrymandering will become useless.

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