Nekritz, Drury, Burke and McCarthy. Like flies to . . . honey?

State Representative Elaine Nekritz in the 2012 Northbrook parade.

What is it about the Illinois Attorney General office that is attractive to such creepy types as Representatives Elaine Nekritz and Scott Drury?

And former top cop Garry McCarthy as Mayor? Just no.

Reports are that Alderman Eddie Burke’s daughter is circulating petitions to run as AG too.

I need another jolt of coffee this morning.

For public employees there are two legislative names that represent pension theft: Biss and Nekritz.

I know plenty who will never forgive or forget and will never punch a voting card or put a mark on a touch screen next to either one of  their names.

Hey. I’m just the messenger. I said the same thing about Pat Quinn. Enough Illinois pensioners would  not forgive his, “I was put on this earth to cut your pension,” and they left the governor’s line blank. That gave us Bruce Rauner. It’s just a fact.

Biss, to some credit, has admitted he was wrong on pension theft as a question of public policy. Although I never have heard him say he was wrong to promote an unconstitutional solution. Maybe he has said it and I missed it. I truly haven’t heard every Biss campaign speech.

Nekritz on the other hand is unrepentant on all counts.

“I’m no constitutional scholar,” she told me once over lunch. I have since been told knowledge of the state constitution is no requirement to be Attorney General in Illinois.

“How do you sleep at night?” I asked her over salad at one of our IRTA candidate forums.

“Just fine,” she said.

In yesterday’s Politico, reporter Natasha Korecki wrote of Nekritz: “Perhaps the crowning period of Nekritz’s legislative career was her push for pension reform: a landmark legislative package that ultimately was struck down by the Illinois Supreme Court. Nekritz, though, was at the forefront of the effort and roundly considered an expert on the matter.”

High praise, indeed.

Drury, as I reported last week, is pushing a pension buy-out of 70 cents on the dollar for current public employee retirees.

I asked Representative Drury, “Why would someone agree to a deal in which they get less money than the one that they are contractually and constitutionally guaranteed?”

“Because we will scare the shit out of those old people and we will get 30% of them to believe that they will lose their pensions if they don’t take the deal.”

Okay. He didn’t actually say that in so many words. But that’s what he meant.

Drury was running for governor as of yesterday, although polling poorly. Now he says he is thinking he may want to be AG.  This is further proof you don’t need to have much constitutional knowledge to want to be the state’s chief lawyer.

I am reading reports that Alderman Fast Eddie Burke may be circulating petitions for his daughter to run as AG. I never heard of her before, so I have no knowledge of her legal scholarship.

As for McCarthy for Chicago Mayor.


But I’m thinking Rahm didn’t sleep well last night at the thought of a McCarthy candidacy.


One thought on “Nekritz, Drury, Burke and McCarthy. Like flies to . . . honey?

  1. I think Rahm might act like he doesn’t want McCarthy to run against him. But I thing if Mr McCarthy ran, it would almost be to Rahm’s advantage. What political bases would he appeal to? He might garner a majority of votes from police and their families. His Irish name might carry some weight in the Southside Beverly area. A lot of Blacks might simply remember him as the acting police chief during the La Quan Mc Donald incident, which would go heavily against him. He’s just a former head cop who had to kowtow to the Mayor, and unfortunately lost his job in doing so. Reactivating Chuy Garcia, or bringing the newcomer Troy La Raviere who stood up to the Mayor might be a better choice than McCarthy.

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